Dream of obesity

Dream of obesity is what mean?Dream dream of obesity?Dream of obesity have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of obesity detailed solution.

Dream of obesity

Dreamed that he became obese, suggesting that rolling in wealth, and you will get stable comfortable position.

Dream of seeing others obesity, indicate the arrival of the extraordinary active and developed period.

Both men and women, if you dream about super obesity, he or she is alert to their own moral standards, don't impulse.Don't exaggerate and don't ignore both themselves or other people's problems, unfortunately because maybe some of them implicit and evil.

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream a dream to see fat or fat can remind you note that you may in some cases are cautious enough.You create a did not give themselves the benefit condition, can actually make themselves look "dirty" or uncomfortable.

Psychological analysis: you should better understand and judge the situation, only then will make adventure.Fat symbol you life too easy.

Spiritual symbol: from the spiritual point of view, obesity not only marks the simplicity, also means that pollution.

Dreamed of obesity cases analysis

Last night dreaming that I am wearing clothes become very short, can't cover the belly, I also have been lala, also dreamed of become large, around the shoulder is feeling dreamed that he was getting fat again, I'm worried about is very disturbed to wake up again, what is the meaning of this dream?If I really will get fat?I don't!

Dreams resolution: dreaming that I am not really want to become fat fat, is to remind you should pay attention to details, suggested rolling in wealth, and you will get stable comfortable position.

Dream of obesity related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query