Dream of an idle

Dream of an idle is what mean?Dream dream of idle?Dream of idle have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of idle detailed solution.

Dream of an idle

Dreaming that I am idle and do nothing, you will not be able to achieve a goal.

An idle dream about their friends, you will hear my friends have a problem.

Young woman dreamed that she was living an idle life, forecast the bad habit, she can marry a man who has been simultaneously incompetent and lazy.

Dreaming that I am doing nothing all day, no work is very busy.

Students dream of doing nothing all day,The testCan the excellent result.

marriedA womanDreaming that I am lazy, being a mother soon.

Unmarried women dreaming that I am lazy, soon will find a mr.right, began to housework.

Dream dream of playing CARDS, playing mahjong, is to remind you not to be cheated and waste of time.

Dreamed of playing CARDS is a dream, it shows that there is a relatively loose in your heart.

In playing CARDS, a dream dreamed that he is the reminds you to be careful, don't be deceived.

Dreams in play CARDS, others are telling you to cherish the time, don't do nothing.

Dream of playing CARDS with good friends, portends a friendship deepens, portends a life or a career will succeed.

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