Dream of choice

Dream of choice is what mean?Dream dream of choice?Dreamed that choose to have the reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamt that choose the detailed solution.

Dream of choice

Dreamed that he was forced to a few people, or a few things, choose a few items, and pain, for this dream usually indicate the dreamer's personal responsibility to be tested, faced with a painful choice.

In addition, according to the views of psychological analysis, do the dream, and may indicate that you questioned their sexual orientation.

Dream of intersection, or t-junction, fork in the road, indicated that life will meet important turn, or faces a major selection.

If dream, choose one of the, suggest you in the heart of life or work, some important issues of the need to make a choice, already have the answer, just need to bravely go on.

Dreamed at intersections suddenly bright red, it is indicated that you are in plan, may be suspended;Or remind you of a potential danger ahead of schedule, the best consideration.

If the dream of intersection on a green light before, says career, unimpeded.

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