Dream of air vents

Dream of vent is what mean?Dream dream of vents, ok?Dream of vents are realistic and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) dream of vents of small make up to help you organize the detailed solution.

Dream of air vents

Dreamed to stay near the air vents, whether sitting, standing still, or other position, some unrest suggested you destiny, to experience some rough ups and downs, you should from these hone, learn, learn to principle of the survival advantage.

Dream of winds and anger, roar gusting angrily, is a symbol of resistance and damage.Dream gusting angrily, is the heart of a kind of expression of hardship.

Men dreamed of gusting angrily, means that will be encountered in the work the larger resistance;

Women dream of gusting angrily, promises to be the emotionally hurt deeper.

Dream of the wind, good omen, bespeak his position will improve.

Workers dream of the wind, is a promotion.

Patient dreamed of wind, will soon recover.

The prisoner dream of the wind, will soon be free.

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