Dream of reckoning

Dream of reckoning is what mean?Dream dream of accounts?Dream of accounts have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of reckoning the detailed solution.

Dream of reckoning

Dream of revenge is auspicious.

Accounts are divided into two kinds: one kind is clear accounts, another kind is the accounts.Dream of the former is the omen, mean life of poverty.Dream of the latter will be good luck.

Dream of account when the account is clear, malaise, means that live in poverty.

Dream of reckoning when account is a mess, there will be a good luck.

Dream of paying, means complying with the rules of things, according to the objective laws to handle affairs, is a kind of auspicious.

If the dream of others dun, means that suffer in terms of money, this mentality doesn't change, it will cause more losses.

Dreamed of reckoning case analysis

Business people, accounts must be clear, clearly.Otherwise, if it is a real, will never make money.The other day, I dream of their own special accounts chaos, remember in a mess, I have a look at the in the mind very angry.(male, 34)

Resolution: dream dream accounts, represents the surplus or loss.Dreams books, show your heart more aware of the economic income and spending.Dream of clear accounts, portend due to your budget, you will get good surplus.Dream of chaos accounts, means you will have economic losses.

Dream of credit, is to remind you have the confidence and ability.

Dream of debt, its meaning according to the specific circumstances.Dream to others, and pay thy debt, and is a good dream.Dream of someone else pay your debt, is not a very good dream.

If the dream of defaulted, is to tell you in the work and emotional don't fall for it.

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