Dream of name

What's the meaning of dream name?Dream dream name ok?Dream of reality and the influence of the reaction in a name, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dreamed that the name of the detailed solution.

Dream of name

Dream heard someone shout your name, usually indicate some of the events in the near future, you will become the focus of attention.

If you dream someone shout, but call the wrong name, suggest you will be in trouble.In spirit, it said in the life you often feel misunderstood or had to hide the true self, suppressing some personality.

Dream can't remember his name or can't remember the names of the people familiar with suddenly, to be vigilant.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream name in months, Lord has his fame.But the patient's ghost recorded, when the name must be nasty rid."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream call names on the hill.Call the top of the mountain, pet near eloth to, by marriage.Yingjie motto, ShanMingGuYing, famous sida of trillion."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: the name of a person on behalf of him.Dream of his name being called, said you are looking at their situation or development.

Psychoanalysis: dream hear or see people's names, say you begin to pay close attention to the people.Dream of a place name represents your knowledge of this respect or related to this memory.Sometimes, this kind of the meaning of dreams can also hide in a place name spelling game.

Spiritual symbol: from a spiritual point of view, the name of the dream provides you with a further study of their own opportunities.

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