Dream of rescue

Dream to save what meaning be?Dream dream of rescue?Dream of rescue have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dream of rescuing a detailed solution.

Dream of rescue

Dream of open chain, usually implies that you desire to get liberation from bondage, or from the liberation under pressure.

Husband dreamed that he rescued his wife, said the family harmony, conjugal love, happiness of life.

Dreamed that he was rescued by his wife, will receive the gift of parents, elder, relatives, richer, further improvement in the quality of life.But if the wifeDream of the husbandBeing saved, suggest that couples being saved, suggest may be friction between husband and wife.

Dream of free animals, suggesting that you want to save his creativity, let create nature or ideological and spiritual freedom.

unmarriedA womanDreamed that her boyfriend was saved, suggesting that the two people who want to go their separate ways.

Unmarried men dreamed that he rescued is famous, indicated that might marry a famous wife.

Dreaming that I bring a friend or relative to save from the robber, the enemy, criminals, predict will encounter obstacles in its path, but the key moment, you will get the help of friends, to be successful.

Dreamed that he was saved by the enemy that you might get into trouble, hit and torture.

On the contrary, if dreamed that he rescued the enemy, the indicated that you will fight opponents.

Businessman dream of saved for self-employed working staff, suggest to make a fortune, rich life happiness.

Patient dreamed someone saved himself, indicated that the body will recover.

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