Dream of losing things

What is the meaning of dream of losing things?Dream dream of losing things, ok?Dream of losing things have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) dreamed about losing things small make up to help you organize the detailed solution.

Dream of losing things

Dream of losing things, means to get unexpected gift.

Dream of things, life will be happy.

Dream lost my wallet, there will be a fortune.

Dream of things lost, will receive a friend's gift.

Case analysis of dream of losing things

Description: dream a dream and a lot of my colleagues went out to play, everyone is so happy, I am responsible for the memorial to photograph them.We play until very late, finally we voted unanimously said mark to do as a group.After the photo when you receive the camera, but I can't find the lens cap, very worried.(female, 26)

Dreams resolution: camera symbol information from the subconscious, lens cap is a kind of protection device.So for this dream there are two possible speculation.One is when you show real thought or experience, ignores the ego to protect, so bring the conflict.2 it is lens cover may also symbol with a few small things.You often overlooked for some important small things, so affect the big things, brought their anxiety.

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