Dream of cuts

Dream of incised wound is what mean?Dream dream of cuts?Dreamed that cuts have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of you tidy cuts the detailed solution.

Dream of cuts

Dream of wounds, said the disease, or a friend's interference, hinder your real happiness.

Dream of psychology

A knife wound or injured dream explanation: a dream, you get hurt to all represent feelings.If you are making cuts, then show the invasion of your aggressive and distrust.If you were cut, you may be a victim or establish himself as a victim.

Psychoanalysis: in explaining the dream time, cuts are the kinds of work.An ugly big cuts metaphor of violence, and the small cuts reminiscent of targeted attacks.

Symbol spiritual symbol: cuts the unpleasant experience, you should understand it and learn from them.

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