Dream of forces

What's the meaning of the dream of forces?Dream dream of forces?Dream of forces have reality and the influence of the reaction, also a dream of subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed that forces the detailed solution.

Dream of forces

Dream of force or forces in a standing position, that is a good sign.

Dream of troops leave, is a symbol of misfortune.

Dream of forces to defeat, failure and means bad luck.

Dream of troops to victory, is means success.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: forces to transport.There are always two possible forces in front, victory or defeat, dream of forces on behalf of the good or bad luck.

Psychological analysis: the dream of the army, dreamed that forces the battles, is auspicious dreams, this means in real life when you are in the wind, as long as you continue to work hard, can gain greater success.If the dream of troops leave, or dream of military defeat, this implies that you will meet some unpleasant things recently, or workplace encounter "Waterloo", and leave you bleeding on the struggling to cope with.It's no big deal, guidelines, life has a high tide is low, trench, can reach the other side of the ideal.

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