Dream of dropped teeth represent

Dream away teethOn behalf of what?

Dream of toothWhat detailed answers:

Dream away what _ duke of zhou interprets teeth represent

Dream oftoothThere was something wrong with the tooth itself represents pure symbol.

Dream of tooth represents the psychological regression or growth.

Dream of tooth on behalf of the original strong beliefs may be shaken.

Dream of tooth pressure in the heart, hidden in matters of the heart.

Dream of tooth represents the relationship out of the question.

Dream of tooth symbol represents the want to lose weight with patience, determination.

Dream of losing teeth represent lost face or damaged self-image.

Dream of losing teeth represent home elders have health problems.

Dreamed that he began to pull teeth represent growth, become mature.

Dream of losing teeth not painfulbleedingOn behalf of you are experiencing the change, there can be no real bad influence for my life.

Dreamed of his toothTeeth represent your family's health may appear problem, remind the dreamer to cared more about your family's health.

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