Dreamed of his children

Dreamed of his childrenPredictor for what?

Children dreamed that he _ duke of zhou interprets

Meaning: unmarried women, and even a virgin may dream ofTheir children, if you are talking about friends, dreamed ofTo have children, or are twins, so you may want to broke up with her boyfriend, the meaning of "children", a thoroughly remould oneself is your own, is a new self, here it isInterpretation of dreamsThe power of the subconscious mind, is your heart.

Dream about having children, fame, wealth up chunks.

Dreaming that I am born child is very lovely can achieve big wish.Said over the past few years wish will be realized.However, it is a dream never tell others.Proudly tell others, lucky will disappear.

Dreamed that his child is very beautiful, there will be a happy accident.For example, is arranging the bookcase, hidden in the pages before had forgotten the love letters floating off, this kind of thing really is happy.

Dreaming that I have children

The duke of zhou interprets of query