Dream fight with others

Dream fight with others _ duke of zhou interprets

Dream fight with othersPredictor for what?

Specific dream: dream in class, classmates and other people in a nation that more than a decade agoA fightIn my impression, my classmatefacesIs fierce, also once dreamed about him several times before, it's strange.But the fight, he was a stranger to down on the ground, head out of a lot of blood, could not move.

The following a dream is a little blurred, as if the next day, the winner of the associates with a man to get him again, as if to revenge or something, but in fact it is he lost yesterday.Well beat him badly, how to seek his revenge.It's strange!

Duke of zhou interprets: dream of fight with others, there will be a disaster, to pay more attention to words and deeds.But the dream of a fight with classmates, interpersonal rise.You associate with anyone can bold and aggressive, the people around you must also be honest to you, will not conflict.

Dream of beating others, means of people struggling with, get the praise of others.

In psychology: play is physically intimate contact, friendship.The dream fight, its meaning is different from person to person.Dream of beaten by others for no apparent reason, indicate the dreamer will have bad things, be careful when doing things;Dreamed that he was beaten by a lover, means two people will be more deep love, and love will last forever, until the end of time.Dream of beating others, means that there are some things in life are not satisfied, the discontent may continue to torture myself for some days.

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