Dream of the husband empathy don't love, what omen?

The dream description:

Dream of the husbandEmpathy don't love, the dream I have is a cry of pain.The kind of feel like really heartache.Can the husband never do in real life I'm sorry my things.I this is how, is too much worry or...

Dream of the husband empathy don't love, what omen?_ duke of zhou interprets

Duke of zhou interprets

The dream that you love your husband, you are a little confidence, so just can have such worry.Since love him, why don't you believe him?I met such a thing, the wife to worry about me fooling around in the outside, but man is not so bad, you think I am never done I'm sorry the wife, also don't want to do, but if the wife has been suspicion I, I will have a rebellious attitude, perhaps which day is cheating.

Well, my wife want to see now, she said I have outsideA womanShows that I attractive, had chosen the right themselves.To hear her say this, how do I have to kiss a bite, say, the wife you are so considerate.

Fall in love with each other trust is fundamental!

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