Dream of flood, help to interpret your dreams

The dream description:

Yesterday dreamDream of the rain, continuously, the higher the longer the water, the river flood out of the bed, also to rise, they watched to drown the way to the higher, the dream is the high place city, and where I was, our village is lower.I along with my father that the flood run, run for a long time, run the run the only I a person, the father somehow disappeared, the road also met with former classmates, and colleagues to flee for life.Later we went to the high, that is the city, made his home in that, up to a new a different life.

Dream of flood, help dream _ duke of zhou interprets

Duke of zhou interprets

The water in the dream is the symbol of emotions and thoughts, rising indicate that emotional suggests that successful, on the outskirts of the city or the country father predicted success in career, his disappearance imply that you lost, run to predict competition, at the same time also because there is a nice people that will help you get the chance.By high suggests that progress, you will indeed live in the city.

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