Dream of dead relatives

The dream description: dreaming that I am ready for the dinner, call your familyHave a meal, but no one answered, only your own voice come back, like a deep cave echo.My hair stand on end, feel the whole room was empty.I ran upstairs, in the bedroom, saw two sister jiang sitting two beds, not pay any attention.I anxiously call, walked over and shook them, but suddenly found that they are two Buddha statues.I escaped into the mother's bedroom with horror, but mother was turned into stone, I fear to cry, to his father's house, but it was horrified to find his father also turned to stone.

Dream of zombie _ duke of zhou interprets relatives

Duke of zhou interprets: a lot of people have encounteredThe deadDreams, such as some relatively fragile psychological people even still feel very afraid after wake up, especially the dream of their loved ones died, the in the mind is to worry more.

Dream of their loved ones died, or dreamed that he was dead, can make the person produces a kind of fear.The dream for the person (or symbol that person another person) is losing its vitality, become zombie, dreamed of his dead worried be zombie.And this kind of psychological derivative of dreams is most easily turned into stone.

In addition, when a person feels his "death" in the life, like "walking", feel your heart is dead, feel no longer grow up, he would dream of himself into stone, is also a zombie.

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