Dream of digging a well

What is the meaning of dream of digging a well?Dream dream of digging a well?Dream of digging a well with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of digging a well detailed solution.

Dream of digging a well

Dream of digging a well, good omen, portend will receive a letter from the distance.

Businessman dream about digging a well main finances.

Single men dream about digging a well, recently in love.

Students dreamed of digging a well predictedThe testPoor grades.

Dream of psychology

Symbol explanation: dream dreamed well your subconscious feelings and the feelings of the channel.You only could find a way through the door, into the whole picture.If Wells appear fails, you can't take this pumping, says you can't communicate with important talent to achieve.

The patterns of the psychological analysis: well often marks the recovery and satisfy the desire.According to you into intuitive sense of self, you can find the path to heal and achievements.

Spiritual symbol: a well symbol of the subconscious development channels.

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