Dream of the library

What's the meaning of dream of the library?Dream dreamed that the library?Dream of library has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of library detailed solution.

Dream of the library

Dream of go to the library, indicate the dreamer in knowledge in the future, people's living, is famous for its need.

Dreaming that I am finishing a book in the library that career developed, efforts will be rewarded, or the business is thriving, fortune source.

Dreaming that I just read in the library, says dreaming people dissatisfied with the reality, may have some of those things in life and career, suggest you to calm down and efforts to enrich himself, can truly improve their strength.

Dreaming that I am out of the library that you can rely on his own intellect, sets up the very high prestige, win the trust and respect.

Dreamed that he became a librarian, signal will make progresses on many new friends.

Dreaming that I hang out without reading a book in the library, and suggests that the dreamer is cheating, or appearance give a person a capable illusion, but it is not strength or knowledge.

Dreamed that stretched out his hand but can't reach letter shelf in the library, also suggested that some knowledge or thought beyond your comprehension.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dreams books, ji.Dream imperial Japan FuXi, official seal, private record books, dreams have to the person;Dream lost is also just as well.Dream no words, no matter also."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Explanation: the dream in a dream, a library could indicate a "warehouse" stacking accumulation of life experience.It marks the knowledge, the marks you make use of the way.A neat rows of library instruction to have the ability to throughout the global, maintain awareness of the whole picture on intellectual problem.A sickly, accumulation of dust library said when you deal with information of all sorts of difficulties.

Psychoanalysis: at some point in the mental and spiritual development, the library is an important symbol, it means that you have accumulated wisdom and ability, of course also indicates the wisdom of human being.If you compare objectively observe their life, so he can better into the overarching human knowledge.

Spiritual symbol: library expressed the collective unconscious, including ancient, modern and future of all knowledge.It is often as a symbol of chronic diseases.

Dreamed of library case analysis

Dream description: the university of reading, I most like to go to place is the library.Now has left the school, but have a few back to the dream, I was dreaming that I am reading a book in the library.I dream of library of lights, packed, is a scene of learning.(male, 26 years old)

Resolution: dream dream library, is a symbol of progress.Library's dream, shows that your heart desire for knowledge.Dream of brightly lit library, said your learning progress, will get twice the result with half the effort, to excel.Dream of empty library, indicate that you don't waste time on useless.

Such as dream of reading room, is the message and the symbol of the harvest, that your heart is eager to expand their horizons.

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