Dream of the courtyard courtyard

Dream of courtyard courtyard is what mean?Dream dream garden yard?Dream of courtyard courtyard has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of you tidy garden yard detailed solution.

Dream of the courtyard courtyard

Dream of a quiet courtyard, hope can have quality, and the servant said dreamer quiet day.If the yard is very clean and neat, flowers or trees, also said the dreamer's wellbeing, to the present very satisfied, and happy life, affection, warmth, love.

Men dreamed of spacious courtyard, may also remind you will encounter difficulties.butA womanDreamed that such a scenario, it promises to be your children, family prosperous.

Patient dreamed of spacious courtyards, indicated that the body will be restored to health.

Man dreamed that he went to the other people's yard, indicate greater power.

Women dreamed that he went into the yard and private life should be careful, be insulted.

Dreaming that I am sleeping in the yard, said the body health.

Dream of waste yard, or broken park, said you feel very uneasy about the present situation of society.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream is wide, business.The main your dreams, in a hall with high ceiling."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of the atrium, with an occasion."Dunhuang dream book"

In others, the main power."The duke of zhou interprets"

Courtyard is spacious, but hard to master."The duke of zhou interprets"

In the courtyard, Lord ShouYan sleep."The duke of zhou interprets"

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