Dream of bridge

Dream of overpass is what mean?Dream dream of bridge?Dream of bridge with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of overpass the detailed solution.

Dream of bridge

Dream of bridge, is inaugurated, money, marriage, etc., wish all can achieve the dream.

Patients dream of bridge, foreshadow the body will recover soon.

Traders dream of bridge, the career will succeed.(Duke of zhou interprets )

Dream of walking on the bridge, stuck in a traffic accident possibility is very large.Especially in places that no zebra crossing through the driveway hit by a car and so on, cannot be too careful.

Duke of stock market

Dream of bridge, if stock market suggests that took to the overpass, the steps of the said share price will be high, if looked down from the bridge, is the precursor.

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The duke of zhou interprets of query