Dream of dome arch

Dream of dome arch is what mean?Dream dream of vault vault?Dream of vault vault with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of vault vault detailed solution.

Dream of dome arch

Dream of the church,templeVault, arch, or something similar to your heart has a high spiritual pursuit and longing for the sublimation of the spirit world.

Dreamed that he climbed up the roof, indicate the dreamer should have a constant upward spirit;

Dream of repairing the roof, there will be new revenue; portends a dreamer

Dream of decorative roof, means that the dreamer's situation changed a lot.

Dreaming that focus on the roof of a house, says the dreamer knows what he can provide protection to others;

Dreaming that I am standing on the roof, means that the dreamer's power, network, or own ability is very strong;

Dream of their own roof cracked a big seam or a large hole, remind the dreamer must pay attention to own property, to prevent from loss;

Dreamed of roof is made of lime or cement, is auspicious;

Dream of the thief on the roof of his own, show that the dreamer can get rich.

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