Dream of two roads

Dream of what is meant by the two roads?Dream dream of two roads, ok?Dream of two roads have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of detailed solution of the two roads.

Dream of two roads

Dream to highlight the two roads most dreams and choice.

If in a dream before the day you are facing a choice, you can be sure that you dream of two paths are represent the two options.

Have a dream at the time of a job, is choosing between the two companies, hesitating.At night he dreamed that: "I and another man to go to an alley, the front two road, one to the left, one to the right.We have advanced on the left side of the road.In this road on the left, there is a cottage, looks somewhat like a cave, stone of the cabin door is green, as if also carved above a few trapped case."Let me think of the carvings on the seal) I opened the door, the light is very dark inside.I feel as if he had been to this place again.Like a hole.The hole left wall there are two statues of guinness, like Buddhism statues in the grottoes.Like the back of a window, some light in.I think, to light some than last time.

"Back to the house outside (hole) walking along the road, the front road is divided into two, on the right side of the road leads to a hut.I know this small room there is a person, is like a teenager I.Don't know where to on the left side of the road."

"At this time and I come back to the man and turned to the back, which is the first corner to the right of the road, where there is a old man went out to meet us.I have a little regret, don't know the way that I didn't go to where?"

"The dream and I together, first as A friend of A company, is like A day after another friend of the company.A, B two companies is just what I choose the two companies.Now I'm working for A company, and larger, the company has A chance to let me in."

Through the analysis of the dream, the dream, put forward from the start he has "two road" to go, then let him take A look at the status and prospects of A company.As in A hut, caves, green yumen appearance like A seal, representatives in A certain power company A dreamer.Two guinness like on behalf of the dreamer and the friend must be very hard work, and then there will be some light.

Forward again the two road is in two possible directions of the development of A company.Back to the Japanese company, is characterized by after the shift, the people around me become friends like B company.Take them the characteristics of the old man is like a day company boss.

This shows, the dreamer is sorry to leave A company, is still "to" the B company.

Dream of two roads

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