Dream of the door of the house floor

Dream of what meaning is the door of the palace floor?Dream dream palace building palace gate, ok?Dream of the door of the palace floor has the reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the door of the palace floor of detailed solution.

Dream of the door of the house floor

Dream of palace ShiLou shop, the club.

Reading children dream of the door, predict the future.

Dream of the splendid palace, rich life means dreamer;

Dream of of primitive simplicity and solemn palace, indicate the dreamer should live a quiet comfortable life;

Dreaming that I am in the palace, to remind the dreamer should not be edgy when conducting;

Dreamed that he was out of the palace, suggesting that the dreamer will be respected at all the people;

Dream of build a palace, will symbolize the dreamer career;

Army generals dreamed that surrounded the palace, one party can defeat the enemy, portends a dreamer winning;

Unmarried women's dream and his maid a piece into the palace, indicated that the dreamer will marry into a wealthy influential families;

A womanDream and her husband together into the palace, indicate the dreamer should soonpregnancy

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream of palace ShiLou shop, business."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream gold que meridian gate, etc.All in view of dream to swim, bachelor's future in your show.Merchants aimlessness, occupy the emperor.The sick dream this just as well.Dream destroyed closed is not auspicious."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

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