Dream of clothing store

What is the meaning of dream of clothing store?Dream dream of clothing store?Dream of clothing store has the reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of clothing store detailed solution.

Dream of clothing store

Dream dream represents the emotional and dress clothing store.

If men dreaming that I am in choosing clothes, is a representative of people's feelings.If you can choose the satisfied clothing, which indicates that find homes of the emotion;On the other hand, suggests that you are a flower heart of the people.

If women dreaming that I am in choosing clothes, represents the personal life, and it shows that you are well-groomed.This dream means "home" of clothing and you want to add new members.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: a man in my dream the clothes usually said his external image in front of others.In interpersonal communication, everyone can do their corresponding social role.Dreams from others clothes to wear marks the social role of the people.

Psychoanalysis: clothes can protect the function of the body, it can cover soft parts and organ in human body.You can start your dream of one part of the body is not cover while knowing yourself vulnerable parts.

Spiritual symbol: from this level, the clothes on behalf of the spiritual protection.

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