Dream of the clock tower bell

Dream of the clock tower bell is what mean?Dream dream of the clock tower bell, ok?Dream of the clock tower bell have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the clock tower bell detailed solution.

Dream of the clock tower bell

Dream of the clock, predict will receive a message from a distance, or a conversation with a stranger.

Dream of the clock, the clock tower of the church, or light spirit bells, predicted the Gospel.

Dream of a tall tower that will receive a good message.Dream of the bell tower of the destruction, suggest you may receive a bad message.

Dreaming that I am in the clock tower bell, suggest you hope to get others' recognition, and through their own efforts to get the job, the improvement of reputation.

If the dream of knocked at the broken clock, says one's ascension will encounter unexpected difficulties, to be vigilant, do more preparation.Dream depressing bell, with a warning or death, the meaning of symbol is likely to alarm, or the bell, the recent work life, must be alert, you may be difficult to implement because plan, or will not be trusted by others, and attacked and frustration.

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