Dreaming that wash a face

Dreamed that wash a face what meaning be?Dream dreamed that wash a face?Dreamed that wash a face with the reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamt that wash a face to the detailed solution.

Dreaming that wash a face

Dream feeling how wash face wash not clean, this dream, said your in the mind have potential aversion to sex, resistance.The subconscious, you might think that sex is dirty.

Dream of washed with water, writing on the wall that you may become sick, recent attention should be paid to physical health, and proper adjustment to rest.

The patient dreamed that wash a face with sewage, can accentuate illness.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: if you focus on in my dream in another person's face, try to understand the people.If you look at his face, may wish to solve the problem of how to express themselves in their daily lives.If in a dream to cover his face, said all the power of hidden, or refused to admit their own ability.

Psychology analysis: people usually watch the face of others to know about the person, from the spiritual point of view, a dream to see the face said attempt to achieve knowledge and information, this information is unable to get in other ways.

Spirit: from the spiritual point of view, the dream see face said all kinds of natural forces.

Dreamed that wash a face

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