Dream of playing

Dream of play is what mean?Dream dream of playing?Dreamed of playing with reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of playing the detailed solution.

Dream of playing

Play is rich

Play means happy and relax.

Play in the dream, it means that life will become relaxed and happy, this is usually represents a little hair, no longer worry about life.

A womanDream of playing, means because you want to enjoy himself, eventually lost the love of her husband.

The dream of children play, can make a fortune.

The patient dreamed of playing, sick body can heal.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: play is rich.Play means happy and relax.In a dream to play, means that the life will become relaxed and happy, no longer worry about life.But if the women dream of playing, meaning is different.

Psychoanalysis: what does it mean to women dream of playing, because you want to enjoy himself, eventually lost the love of her husband.Reflection, therefore, reflect on their behavior, don't because of his laziness and become a family feud.

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