Dream of digging holes

Dream of digging holes is what mean?Dream dream of digging holes?Dream of digging holes have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of digging holes in detail solution.

Dream of digging holes _ duke of zhou interprets dream of digging holes dream to dream digging holes, ok what's the meaning of _ _ duke of zhou interprets website

Means a kind of insight in the dream, mining, can see through the appearance nature, have the ability of people will be rich and famous.Dream of digging a well, means his reputation to rise as well.

Dream of dig holes,Always watch out for enemy's trap.

Flashing red light dream of digging hole, make friends.Shortcomings will be especially sensitive to friends and relatives, and then began to hate.Who can without fault should be forgiving.

The robber when travelers dream of digging holes, meeting, suffer.

Accused people dream of digging holes, could be sentenced to long prison terms.

Soldiers dream of digging holes, means to the front, can college alumni.

Men dreamed of holes, a wife who is going to be a good wife and a devoted mother, family peace and harmony.

Dream of digging holes

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