Dream of opera

Dream of opera is what mean?Dream dream of opera?Dream of opera have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of opera detailed solution.

Dream of opera

Dreaming that I am listening to opera, say you are looking like watching a drama of all around - maybe not.

Dreamed that he became one of the actor, you need a "dramatic" in the process of life.

Dream of performing an opera, you need more dramatically to express themselves in real life.

From the spiritual level, the dream of opera represent the big "drama" the real life.

Dream of listening to music, is good omen, can good luck.

Dream of the deaf hear music, fraught and suffering to come.

The patient dreamed that listening to music, recover body soon.

Dream of the deaf hear music, fraught and suffering to come.

Dream of many peopleIn playing music, singing, older people to death at home.

Dreamed of was invited to attend the concert, the dreamer can get people's respect.

Dreaming that I am playing Musical Instruments, the audience is very sad, mean to offend a friend.

A womanDreaming that I am in singing, but no audience, is ominous, soon to give up the bucket.

Young men dream of making music lovers, or with sweet voice singing, he will make his whole life to find rest.

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