Dream of rice

What is the meaning of dream of rice bowl?Dream dream more rice?Dream of rice with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of rice the detailed solution.

Dream of rice

Dream of rice, which indicated will be reunited with his family, would like to see people will soon see.

Dream of rice, patient will improve.

Dream of a person more rice, said it would leave family and friends.

Dreaming that I am eating alone, home to a row.

Dream of eating with others, home or neighbors to do marriage.

Dream of dinner with a few people, but they don't eat, I wish there will be a disaster, or to die.

Dream of a man sitting alone on the wallHave a meal, will be promoted.

Dream of eating fish, means the body strong.

Dream of eating witheggsTo do food, is a good omen, homeboys

Dream of dry pancakes, can do business at a loss.

Dream of eat with silver plate, will be prosperous.

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