Dream of sweeping the floor

What is the meaning of dream of sweeping the floor?Dream dream of sweeping the floor?Dream of sweeping the floor with the reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of sweeping the detailed solution.

Dream of sweeping the floor

Dream of sweeping the floor, on behalf of a lot of pressure lately.

Dreaming that I am sweeping the floor, will have good luck.

Businessman dreamed that he was sweeping the floor, bad fortune.

A womanOmen of dreaming that I am sweeping the floor, have the opportunity to travel, ji.

Dream of sweep sweep of very clean, the pressure will be eliminated.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream of sweeping the floor, have a officer."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream of sweeping the floor

The duke of zhou interprets of query