Dream to buy condoms

What do you mean dream to buy condoms?Dream dream to buy condoms?Dream for condoms with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of buying insurance set of detailed solutions.

Dream to buy condoms

Dream to buy condoms.Mean you to the people to the things to the point.

Scholars dreamed to buy condoms, indicated that it is difficult to break through the bottleneck in learning.

Patient dreamed to buy condoms, and the body in recent days there will be better.

Single men and women dream of buying insurance to cover, just shows a sexual needs.

If you dream of condom is in packaging, it means the possibility of sexual behavior.

If you dream of is a condom, open, suggest you to have sex with frustration.

If when you dream of condoms, and without any man exist at the same time, it means you have nostalgia for certain things.

Dreamed of before sex take contraceptive measures, predictor for you is a person of discretion to micro.

Using contraception after sex, at a crucial moment to get the help of friends, will be turning the corner, head off a danger.

Dream of eating the pill, is good omen, the home will have a happy things to happen.

unmarriedA womanDream of contraception does not lead to successpregnancyThe person, love will be a playboy, love finally ended in failure.

Unmarried men dream of contraception is not successful cause pregnant, will soon and the other half of his marriage,.

Dream of condom broke in the bedroom, is good omen, merchants will be a different approach, and treasures will be plentiful, WeiGuanZhe careers.

A pregnant womanDream of eating the pill, is inauspicious, for her fetus will have happened, may be premature birth or miscarriage, want to be careful.

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