Dream of milk

What is the meaning of dream of milk?Dream dream of milk a cow?Dream of milk have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of milking the detailed solution.

Dream of milk

Dream of milk that you may inherit a fortune.

If dreamed that he was milking, and milk, keep out of the country, suggest you will get a good opportunity, if you can grasp well, must have enormous benefits.

Such as dream of goat's milk cows, says you will get the honor, you will win great reputation in your social circle, love, marriage and career.

Dream of spilled milk extrude the ground, there will be a good luck, indicated that you will be promoted, increase the salary, or will receive a good message, difficulties will follow, smooth solution.If the dreams are disease, is a good thing, and indicate the patient's body will be restored to health.

A womanDream of milk to children, said the family happiness, happiness of life, husband will love you more.

Dream of others to milk a cow, predict their business prosperity, career.

Dreamed of milk case analysis (by)

Dream description: I went to the great plains, in dream looked beautiful prairie, let me feel never had the happy.I live in a warm kind herdsmen home, they were particularly friendly and hospitable.In dream I'm trying to help their milk their cows.(male, 29 years old)

Dream dream resolution: milk, said there will be a time of need to work hard.If the dream of in the milk, show that you are preparing to implement a plan in the heart, hope that through efforts and success.Dream like milk, said your plan is very economical, but you will have a need to work hard, will succeed.

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