Dream of running

What is the meaning of dream of campaign?Dream dream of campaign?Dream of campaign has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see below (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of running a detailed solution.

Dream of running

Dreaming that I am in the race, said you are a positive person, try to realize your plan, and quickly achieve success.

If the dream of winning the election of most people agree, suggest you are very popular, many friends.

If the dream of the campaign have opposition groups to your complaint or question, indicates the dreamer may be friction in contact with people at ordinary times, may have sinned against a lot of people.

Dream of others in the race, it shows that you suggested that you are a have ideal, strong-minded people, promising.

Dreaming that I participate in activities at the scene of the campaign that you'll be famous, will gradually conspicuous in the recent life, and more popular.

Dreamed that he was elected, predict will have good luck, or a great success.

Dreamed of running case analysis (@)

Dream description: in real life, I think I also seniority, did not take part in the campaign, but in a dream, but I attended an election.Dream, I made full preparation for campaign.In my heart, hope that through this campaign to succeed.(male, 28)

Resolution: dream dream campaign, indicate the current success of the plan.If the dream of others, that you are a very ambitious, very independent, you can accomplish something big business in the future.If a dream dream of running, it shows that you are a positive person, indicate your current short-term plan can rapid success.

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