Dream of wrestling

What is the meaning of dream of wrestling?Dream dream of wrestling?Dreamed wrestling with the reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of wrestling the detailed solution.

Dream of wrestling

Dreaming that I am in the battle.Said you know each other's family, but still want to meet each other's way of life, want to please each other, this will probably make you a successful career reputation suffered.Is this dream in the struggle for their own behavior according to.

Young women dream of soldiers who are wrestling, predicted she would choose one in the middle of the two lovers, both love her very much, even willing to die for her.

Dreamed of and dead people, indicate the get sick.

Dream of someone else wrestling, predictor for friends and family may have a temporary difficulties, need your help.

Dream of wrestling with people, you have a larger pressure and difficulties, want to release in the dream, if the dream of wrestling with his final victory, suggests that you will eventually overcome difficulties, a success.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

The dream.Gentleman's dream, the effect of the sages proposed, as above junior);Little dream, because I help rushed, work into a reputation;Children's dream, is the play of the last night, neither Ming denier pleasure;Disease of the dream, but is a bait, a dash of Ann.Dream with the dead man wrestling, Lord.Dreams and ghosts and gods, master thief revenge Chou."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

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