Dream of meeting room

Dream of meeting room is what mean?Dream dream of meeting room?Dream of meeting rooms with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of meeting the detailed solution to speak in the meeting room.

Dream of meeting room

Dream of the meeting, on the one hand, is a reflection of the recent work pressure.Symbol of the dreamer, on the other hand, decisiveness, the way to communicate with the outside world, etc.

If the dream of his silent at the meeting, speak little, says you are a personality is rigorous, pay great attention to grasp the discretion of the work.

If the dream of his rhetoric at the meeting, very provocative or persuasive, suggest you will often own influence, to solve the problem.

Dream of a mess in the room, noisy, suggest that work may meet with difficulties, facing crisis;Or in the face of the decision, feel thoughts chaos, difficult to choice.

Dream of a public meeting, everybody with warm applause to welcome you, this dream indicates that you will successfully solve a difficult problem in work or life, success, recognition.

Dream of being booed at the meeting, suggested that you might be a bit unsure.

Dreamed of meeting case analysis (@)

Description: dream a dream, I seems to be in for a conference.During the meeting, I know, and I don't know.One endless speaks at the meeting, everyone is tired of.It was my turn to speak, I speak I think important content, I feel useless words should talk less.(male, 29 years old)

Resolution: dream dream meeting, the shed for meeting the conditions of the righteous.If the dream of you silent at the meeting, less concise and show that you are a very serious person, few words, but more able to grasp the discretion.If the dream of you talk about at the meeting, the tone is intense, show that you are a very talkative person, gushing, is unable to incite.This dream indicates that your current problem will be solved.

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