Experience of modern "duke of zhou interprets"

The first dream analysis the clinic has quietly was born in a hospital in Shanghai's changning district.

How is the dream analysis the clinic is open?Who is qualified for the modern "duke of zhou"?To "dream" to treat psychological problems in whether China can be used for clinical purposes?Whether patients benefit from real?Recently, the reporter comes to analysis the clinic dreams, experience some kind of modern"Duke of zhou interprets".Reporter's experience: dreams find stomach trouble?

Experience of modern "duke of zhou interprets" _ duke of zhou interprets

At 9 am, reporters came to the western suburbs of green hospital (i.e., changning district mental health center).A European ward building show.Dream analysis the clinic at the end of the outpatient service building 3 floor footpath, next door is a common psychological consulting room.

Reporters were doctor wang led in clinic.This room has 15 square meters, spacious and clean.In a picture of a blue screen is a quiet piece of heaven and earth pale yellow grid curtain, pale yellow wall lamp, pale yellow sofa bed can let a person in a state of half a lie.Doctor wang told me that this position is the most relaxed posture.

According to the requirements, the reporter to the sofa bed, doctor wang hand book sitting beside the reporter.In the soft light, she whispered conversation with reporters.

First she like friends talking to reporters, asked the reporter's age, occupation, and sleep quality, family, interpersonal, and so on and so forth.After reporter gradually relax mood, doctor wang began to allow reporters into the dream state analysis: "tell me about bothering you dreams!

"The reporter will do a dream a few days ago told her:

"I came down from a pink van,Being chasedDrive, and then hit the post, the stomach uncomfortable, woke up some mouth pantothenic acid."(reporter that day ever eat a small bowl of dumplings before bed)

Doctor wang first after listening to a piece of paper, let me draw a tree, house, and in turn.Journalists draw out the 3 things off the cuff.

"You are a very real person", she looked at me after painting figure said firmly.

Then she said analysis:

"Pink van that you recently mood is better, being chased show the need to pay attention to interpersonal relationship in reality."Description of my dreams from last, doctor wang confident underground the conclusion: "your stomach may not be good, suggest you are free to do the check."She told reporters, through diagnosis, found that patients with similar dreams often have this kind of performance have weight different stomach diseases.

Doctor wang also said that, as a result of each visitor will be more in-depth understanding, she received six most visitors a day, time spent on each person's average for an hour.She said "the dream" therapy, unlike other treatments, it needs special patient's trust in the doctors.Complete parsing a dream, a second conversation is not enough, in a foreign country emphasis on long-range analysis, only a doctor has become a close friend of the patient, the patient will tell to dream, and recall past experience.Only in this way can also achieve satisfactory therapeutic effect.She says many visitors are established a long-term contact with her.

Reporters learned that dream analysis of outpatient charge standard is one yuan per minute.

Outpatient service how to open?

"Not all can open dream analysis the clinic hospital."Green space in the western suburbs of hospital Ye Shanlong said that before the end of last year to open the clinic and hospital with Shanghai mental health center and changning district health bureau and other department communication.In charge of changning district health bureau told reporters that in general, a hospital outpatient service to open characteristics, health bureau for medical administration must be reported for examination and approval.Changning district health bureau based on the green hospital professional area and the western suburbs of the cognizance of diagnosis and treatment subject, agree to offer them the outpatient service, and for the record.

Leaf director, told reporters in front of the hospital decided to open a dream analysis the clinic, he personally to dream in hangzhou, zhejiang province, analysis the clinic visited three times.Think of Shanghai in the field of "the dream" or blank, and this area is the "market and demand"., he says, there is a month into the hospital seeking psychological counseling students, white-collar workers, civil servants, 80% of them sleep disorder, they generally appeared emotional problems caused by the dream unpleasant (such as anxiety, tension, depression, fear).Dean thinks, from this perspective, the birth of dream analysis the clinic is a necessity."Social demand, we will have to open the clinic necessary".Who is be outpatient doctor?

Reporter in "the dream" therapy had asked a doctor wang: whether as long as it is the doctor of the hospital, can dream to analysis the clinic as a doctor?Her answer is no.Can act as the work of a doctor, she says, you must first hold psychological consulting qualification certificate issued by the municipal health bureau, the second should have rich experience in the work of mental health, again want to work for the deeply love, good at communication with people.

Heard dream analysis a total of three doctors in clinic, the doctor is how to choose?

Dream analysis the clinic doctor professor Zhang Tongyan admitted that there is no domestic about "dream" therapy of specialized courses and textbooks, countries also does not have the relevant evaluation and examination.So he is in the western suburbs of green hospital made several lectures about "dream", and to select the good comprehensive quality in zhejiang province three doctors continue to stand with DE hospital clinical study for half a month.

What's most important quality is dream analysis doctor?The reporter asked."It is practice."Professor Zhang Tongyan answer without thinking.In his opinion, a good dream analysis except on the paper quality doctor wang said the doctor, clinical experience is very important.

Need to separate the refills?

The reporter understands, the dream analysis the clinic to open up to now, there's a new phenomenon worthy of attention to the dream analysis clinic patients in some private business owners, to the crowdInterpretation of dreamsHad more utilitarian expectation.So, whether anyone can dream analysis clinic?

Psychology experts, senior corporate trainer Chen Xiaoya in an interview with reporters that the private owner is ordinary people, also have different temperament and character, such as the anxious person in business will be more anxious.They are also peaceful person needs counseling and psychotherapy.On the other hand, the rule of business, after all, there are business, "the business", some problems and psychological factors of relationship is not big, there is no scientific proof, interpretation of dreams, and there is causality between business good or bad.

Ye Shanlong admission, the hospital now to dream of photoacoustic outpatient division is not refined, but the hospital is creating research topic group, the categorization of hospitalized patients and selection system will be established as soon as possible.

The analysis of the dream

I see road xi "the dream is a symbolic language, this is not the average person can understand, need to be engaged in professional dream analysis & lsquo;Translation 'out.", fudan university, vice chairman of Shanghai psychological society psychology research center director sun into said, "the dream" the doctor should have a profound and long-term clinical experience, and compared with the visitors to have further contact and communication, so as to let visitors really know themselves, so as to achieve the effect of treatment.

Psychologically, people don't necessarily know yourself very much, perhaps in other ways to get to know yourself, such as the analysis of the dream, this is one of the people fully understand the means of self.Sun into thought, through the "dream" know yourself, there is some benefit to the development of oneself.

When the sun into such evaluation dream analysis the clinic, "the dream" of research and development, there is still a long way to go."But" I want to see such a phenomenon, if it is in line with scientific attitude to carry on the beneficial exploration, is worth for sure.

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