Dream of Yin qi

Dream of Yin qi is what mean?Dream dream of Yin qi, ok?Dream of Yin qi has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamt that embody the detailed solution.

Dream of Yin qi

Prisoners dream of Yin qi is very heavy, will be released soon.

Dream of Yin qi is very heavy, want to go to foreign travel.

Single people dreamed of Yin qi heavy local luck omen love potential is very prosperous.With natural color, even if not make public will also have a lot of pursuers.But for your freedom and have a sense of attachment.

Men dreamed of Yin qi is very heavy, good luck, smug, but get carried away, too lax pride will have a trouble, be cheated, watch out forfire

Minors dream of Yin qi heavy local primary health, will continue to focus on diseases of the head, affected by seasonal climate, pimples, rashes and be careful to guard against.

Investors dream of Yin qi main wealth, wealth decline, has the potential to reduce income, easy to have bigger overhead, had some out of control and budget shopping your cloth is appropriate, a magic weapon of saving is the best for your family.

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