Dream of the temple

Dream of the temple is what mean?Dream dream of temple?Dream of temple with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the temple of the detailed solution.

Dream of the temple

A dream in the monastery, represents the life and career.

If the dream of resplendent and magnificent temples, portends a success.

If the dream of quiet solemn temple, means quiet and easy and comfortable life.

If the dream of hazy temple, is the representative of a temporary.

Dreamed of temple case analysis ()

The dream description: I've been to some temples, felt that is calm and quiet, once I dreamed a very quiet temple.The temple in the collapse of the castle peak, the thin mist enveloped the whole mountain, as if in the fairyland in general.(female, 25 years old)

Resolution: dream dream temple, represents the life and career.Dreamed of resplendent and magnificent temples, portends a success.Dreamed of quiet solemn temple, means quiet and easy and comfortable life.Dream of hazy temple, is the representative of a temporary.

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