Dream of prayer

Dream of prayer is what mean?Dream dream of prayer?Dreamed that prayer has the reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dream pray the detailed solution.

Dream of prayer

Dream of prayer is a good thing.It represents a state of spiritual energy gathering, symbol of social status or physical fitness.

Generally speaking, a man dreaming that I am in prayer, suggesting that social status will be improved.

A womanDreamed that he was in prayer, said her husband and child health;Women dream of and men together to pray, may portend experienced misfortune or disaster.

Dream of many peoplePray, suggest you can get your help.A man to do such a dream, also said will get the respect of the society.

But if it is a dream of taking part in religious or prayer meeting, should pay special attention to body health, may be sick.

Dream of tease people of prayer, suggest you will be attacked by the enemy and harassment, and suffer losses.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream. Sunny rain, ji.This dream the honor, the occasion of the sign."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream a dream to pray, you hope to get help.

Psychology analysis: people in life are always believe there is a higher power.To pray for a dream that you seek conversation with this power, according to your faith to this power.

Spirit: from the spiritual point of view, to pray for a dream means you admit that a higher power, seeking its support and help.

Dreamed of prayer case analysis ()

Description: dream dreams, friends call me accompany her to go to church together.Leave the church, have a kind of solemn and respectful feeling in my heart.I found the church middleman is more, there may be dozens of people.My good friend in silent prayer, I saw her look particularly religious.(women, 22)

Resolution: dream dream pray, is a sign of social status and physical health.Men dreamed of prayer that your social status will be improved;Women dream of prayer, that your family physical well-being;Dream of all prayer that will get everyone's help.

As the dream of hymns, is a symbol of good news.Dream hymns, indicate the there will be a proud or festival is coming soon.Dream sing a hymn, means you quiet and easy and comfortable life.The dream writing hymns, steadily suggests that your plan will work.

Dream of prayer

The duke of zhou interprets of query