Dream of maitreya

Dream of maitreya is what mean?Dream dream of maitreya, ok?Dream of maitreya has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of maitreya detailed solution.

Dream of maitreya

Will dream of maitreya, good omen, the wife was pregnant.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream of maitreya.The Lord has an occasion to dream.The little people bully, Lord of the dream hand heavily, happy life.The broken dream secretary

Dream maitreya.An occasion to who dreamed of, for little threat also dreamed of.The main life happiness."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

According to psychologists, day have thought, the night has a dream, it is based on science, when a person really miss something or someone and can't do it, when in reality should be realized in the dream.So the dream of maitreya means that you miss maitreya, you run into some of the more difficult trouble now, very need help.Another possibility is your recent life is good, a good, no worries, because of the maitreya Buddha is known as a smile, he is in any case a smile in the face of all, give a person infinite confidence and motivation!Also there is a saying said the wifepregnancyAs maitreya is famous belly, so also known as pot-bellied Buddha, but this is unfounded, not superstition.

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