Dream of the devil

Dream of demon is what mean?Dream dream of evil?Dream of demons have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the devil's detailed solution.

Dream of the devil

Farmers' dream of demons, crops and livestock deaths and family illness.Interest gambling people to pay attention to, this dream warned you have to be careful with his work, otherwise it would offend the dignity of the domestic law.

If the dream of a tall demons, dress style, body and hands with glittering jewelry, is trying to persuade you to his house, is the warning you, immoral people with the most beautiful rhetoric tempt you to destruction.Pure young women do after the dream, to seek the support of friends, avoid to accept the attention of a stranger, especially from the attention of married men.Moral character is not highA womanIs likely to be seem strange to jewels and money.

Even in the dream, also had better not associated with the devil, because it's always the sign of despair.

Dream of chased by the devil, you will fall into the enemy in the likeness of a friend set traps in advance.

Love the people in the dream of the devil, said dissolute woman will let him has always been faithful.

Zhouyi dream

If dreaming that I am the devil attack, it will be life-threatening.

Dreamed that a monster chasing his said there will be a trouble happens.

Dreamed that he was the devil with said luck will get better.

If killed by the monster, is said will be sick or vandals hinder, not smooth.

Dreamed that a monster to run to the home, said the home will be a dispute or losses due to fraud.

If you chase the devil said you will be able to avoid a disaster or everything will get better.

Dreamed that he slew monsters, gambling or any litigation will win.

Dream himself defeated the devil, said will be successful.

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