Dream of others in the confession

Dream of others in the confession is what mean?Dream dream of others in confession?Dreamed that other people have reality and the influence of the reaction in confession, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of others in the confession of the detailed solution.

Dream of others in the confession

Dream of others in the confession, writing on the wall, is the mood annoyed, even when you are sad.

Dreamed someone killed when austerity, is auspicious, life will be a good turning point, are likely to get hidden treasure.

Dream of the enemy in the confession, will always be to their own.

But the dream of friends in penance, a time of crisis will be helped by a stranger.

Dream of the child in asceticism, disaster will come.

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream dreamed to sin asceticism, because, the differences are different will have different consequences.Different classes of confession, also can have different results.Unmarried men dreamed of his asceticism, devoted woman will marry a handsome as his wife, affectionate wife will comfort yourself in difficult times, never allow yourself to worry.Capitalists or rich man dreamed of his asceticism, income would suddenly collapse, could be displaced.But the poor dream of confession, life will be rich.Ascetic man dreaming in asceticism, will become the leader of the nation, can rely on their own talents for the country or the national interests.Entrepreneurs dream of confession, will be forced to reduce the price to sell goods, little profit.But the marriedA womanDream in sin, because her husband and children's health without disease, so the mood will be very happy, happy.Dream of confession, patient will deteriorate.Staff dreaming that I am in atonement, the boss will compliment, career progression.Students dreamed of confession,The testWill get good grades, because of the extraordinary talent, can obtain the scholarship.Dream of others in the confession, writing on the wall, is the mood annoyed, even when you are sad.Dreamed someone killed when austerity, is auspicious, life will be a good turning point, are likely to get hidden treasure.Dream of the confession, will always be to their own.

Psychoanalysis: confession is a way of direct dialogue with the spirit world mind, is to the gods, the natural language of the emotion and talk.

Spiritual symbol: the dream a confession, is also a sign of social status and physical health.

Dream of others in the confession

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