Dream of prayer

What is the meaning of dream of prayer?Dream dream of prayer?Dreamed that prayer has the reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of prayer the detailed solution.

Dream of prayer

Dreaming that I am celebrating, mean you in time of danger will have noble help through.

Traders dream of prayer, a thriving business.

Dream of incense worshipping Buddha, is said although you have now met the bottleneck, but in the most difficult time, can have a noble out you are a big help, but also will be very successful.

Dream see temple worshipping Buddha, said you will have the opportunity to be promoted, and everything goes well, if still unmarried do this dream, will have good object.

Dream of celebrating people, says your feelings is mature, your partner is also very good, very appreciated, in the near future you will married the auditorium.

The patient dreamed totempleThe goddess of the incense kowtow, said is auspicious, the body will recover.

Dream of prayer

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