How to let you move onward with feng shui are seen

How to let you move onward with feng shui are seen

His talent, not taken seriously by the boss, never tired hard work without credit, believe that a lot of office worker will have such complaints.If efforts were made to do, you still are not bole, might as well refer to feng shui experts advice, make a complete preparation.

Shishi borrow gas

Stone lions at the gate of the temple to absorb the essence and all day, can bring people good luck and talent, people can touch stone lions, forehead, and then touched my forehead, make good auras attached to his body, to adjust the fortunes.

Polish the forehead

Near the forehead is GuanLu palace, on behalf of the career development and career luck, if not the leadership attaches great importance to, it may look more dark, the solution, is often keep the forehead.

Pagodas rising

High in the home wine cabinet, bookcase, put a copper pagoda, and put the higher the better.Because it symbolizes the coasts, and promoted the advanced.

The rooster crested

Chicken is acted the role of article, especially a comb chicken, any material, also has the effect of driving workplace fortunes, bench sit longer, to get attention.Place in the home's northwest, north, northeast, south, either.

Yellow light gas

No matter in the sitting room or bedroom, often keep a small bright yellow light, can be adjustable, increase the good luck, will also be able to get rid of the rigid structure.Place in the home's northwest, north, northeast, south, either.

Gem helped me

Please prepare seven different colors and materials of stone, such as crystal, agate, jade, red, brown, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple stone, on any material container, put on your desk left, can help oneself work smoothly.

After the backer

Office rear seat must have walls, cabinets and other barriers as rely on, or have the feeling of impending, can lead to heart

Affection, work is not stable, as if no backer to help.

Copper dashun

Also at the edge of the desk on the left hand, or the largest and most top drawer put COINS, will receive the effect of changing your luck.66 COINS said "nest", 88 "have", 168 COINS COINS said said "all the way".

Crystalline sodium gas

Amethyst hole is a common feng shui props, because its cave hollows, good luck to self-restraint, might as well on the left-hand side of the desk, but don't let the crystal water hole.

Good luck to tip the crystal ball

Fengshui thought, the crystal ball's main function is to change people's fortune.Because the surface is smooth and the physical properties of the crystal itself, has the function of turning turning turning with proper placement location can rise to change the effect of fortune.

The crystal ball is one of the leading, crystal act the role ofing is tasted all over the world, particularly China, Japan, the United States, South Korea and other countries, have a special liking to the crystal ball, like a crystal ball is put in the home or the office, is mainly "soft touch" well KouCai.A crystal ball to the natural, integrating with the essence of heaven and earth, and as a result, many people believe that the crystal ball have spiritual, can protect the house and bring money.

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