What is called "meeting"

What is called "meeting"

In fengshui, meeting isThe deadtheThe grave.The ancients in death, for Yin, in Yin, also want to have a house to reside, so called the grave house appointed.The ancients of meeting even more importance than YangZhai.As a result, its exquisite more fine.

Relative to YangZhai, house appointed pay more attention to the layout of the cabinet and ethereal, so-called "Yin not line not folding, Yang a shu".Choose more house appointed structure is compact, suitable for scissors.

House appointed first to a variety of methods to determine the hole of the true and false, and then must also pay attention to shades, pour the rod rod put the coffin, party can get angry.To the nature of pattern matching to lapras qi.With dragon nadis point to point, worthy hand hand, in the case, and landscape of the barrier can a nimbus of heaven and earth.Days, shipping, landscape, to riches and honour meeting.

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