Golden YuGuan text explanation

Golden YuGuan the fengshui, since debut, deeply loved by many lovers, the door of feng shui with its easy to learn, fast accurate judge good or ill luck, feng shui, Yin and Yang are commonly known as passing, after a walk can quickly judge good or ill luck pattern of feng shui.Teacher liu said enough YuGuan is the star in fengshui, golden YuGuan theory characteristic is, sand such as clear water, sand and water turbid qualitative accurate, many people inThe I chingThe master of the industry, can skilled use of golden YuGuan feng shui, is the treasure of the I ching feng shui culture indeed.

Dialectical city sand water:

Belong to the feng shui of sand: buildings, rockeries, overpasses, billboards, large buildings

Feng shui belongs to the water: street, plaza, road, building and building between open stoping, the village green

"Golden lock YuGuan articles have come out a lot, but because of various reasons, or because of the author's all don't want to show, and led to a thorough description of the meaning of the article, I think the cause of current research of zhouyi desultorily because a lot, a lot of people about zhouyi in the original is not very understanding, as well as some ignorant people, no respect for knowledge, making this up to learn theory, for the purpose of profit, mislead the people, because of the influence of the negative articles, and lead to a lot of people now of zhouyi, the feng shui of academic skeptical attitude as well as in the past, the author fully enough YuGuan feng shui, the truth, since the enough YuGuan parsing, gradually thorough, in order to, the author contributions to the motherland the treasure to do a little touch of the yi-ology.

Chaos at the beginning of open five parties, qiankun cloth three cardinal guides

Pangu separated heaven and earth, the chaos of all things.Five parties: refers to the east, south, west, north, medium five directions, dry for days for Yang, he is to Yin.Three cardinal guides: heaven, earth and people.

All Sunday row of stars, the sky cleared turbid Yin and Yang

A circle around the sun, the earth, from man's intuitive, day tens of thousands of star in a circle around the earth for a Sunday, time, the star changes regularly.Chaos born gasification of heaven and earth, the day for the light, clear gases, as heavy polluted air, days for Yang, to Yin, heaven and earth, Yin and Yang harmony, im all things.

Wind and rain lightning all empty gas, high mountain water rich

Wind and rain lightning are virtual gasification raw, is one of nature's change.The household water main, hill high water is vast, configure appropriate for geography.

Dry days of land to call, buy ChengShun inverse zero

Positioning of heaven and earth, Yin and Yang;Tianshun inverse, also known as the under geography with water, for the water of sentient beings, must in the water of the hexagrams.Can regulate choose corresponding geographic, Yin and Yang, is conducive to the development of human and everything running.

In jia zhou heaven and earth, with twenty percent of men and women

Sixty years is a jia cycle, the cycle.Innate gossip for Yin and Yang are relative, weather, rising to enrage, weather combined with wide-spaced sampling, all things be valid.

Section 8 points at day and night, jiugong gossip the plough

Micheal: spring, summer, autumn and winter.Section 8: refers toThe 24 solar termsIn eight major solar terms: spring, the spring equinox, summer, summer solstice, the beginning of autumn and autumnal equinox, the beginning of winter, the winter solstice.Palace of jiugong gossip to join.Gang: dipper handle, the ancient beidou stars referred to handle is used to determine whether four section.

Five lines of reverse push thousand turn, the central of basic water fire and earth

Five elements: metal, wood, water, fire and earth, the universe natural law educate the world run everything, five line of traditional Chinese medicine all sorts of phenomenon of physiology, pathology, and learn to predict calculate the fate of the five elements is used.Basic water is fundamental to the universe and human society.Liu teacher's point of view, the five elements is upside down due to the changes of water sand, and five lines of attributes and then transform, and the nature of the good or ill luck of feng shui also changed.

Will one hundred and twenty gods, evil spirit, ninety-four good or ill luck

God, out of the weather, evil spirit, was born in a very.God evil spirit and a total of 120 men.94 good or ill luck day month will form the human society.

A few years and months Fang Li, a few days, and good

Timing method of the nativity, genre is numerous, can the number of columns god evil spirit is more than three thousand kinds of commonly used there are hundreds, want to arrange so many kyrgyzstan, a demon is impossible.Reason enough YuGuan day method is given priority to with five lines of living pattern of restraint, here.

Above for a cap, belongs to the eight-part essay writing, the meaning of the beginning of the article, and a lot of articles at the beginning of the program is the same.

Gen dry mountain water, religious, xun Chi covered with fine chang

Refers to dry to dry mountain, here refers to the dry mountains of the water.Dry water, gen hotter Ding Wang gain.Xun hexagrams are all layers of sand as ladder, principal business will be prosperous.

Coming up from Long Lin grave, from the article,

Grange population every year, the clothes purple waist Jin Zuo ChaoGang,

The door full of twists and turns, will the splendor and far chang;

Came up from the dragon means the hexagrams have come from the water, for the water, house appointed to toward the water, the three generations of literati and heroines.

From the sticks in water grange, prosperous Ding Wang the rich man, who, away from civilization, running, a noble, officer of goods.ifgravesFrom the side there is water, it is auspicious, the sons of culture, rich, have possession.

Away from the water like sentient beings, namely, winding, the water of photos could not bear to leave.Sentient beings water fat big, main grandchildren enjoy prosperity for generations.

A mountain two water are brothers, two mountain water others,

Mountain two water are brothers, xun sand, away from the water, dry, gen three have both, the main family harmonious unity, brotherhood,

Two mountain one waterway others: xun to water, from sand, dry, gen three have both, family feud, brother.

Northwest high spirits on the road, this place called JiZhuangYang,

Every successful more rich, and flat is heaven;

Golden YuGuan fengshui, northwest if there is a crossroads, here is more auspicious, is a great place for business.Xun sand village, road in the northwest of the village, village will be more auspicious blessings village people more wealth, if flat in the village, sand from the harm of water on the surrounding neighbors don't have big, this village is a heaven on earth.

Cannot long be high after low before and after the high low before the grange

Meteorological north cannot long be low this home even riches and honour, low prone home to get rich from north to south.

Lower east side to the west high adversely, water shock palace not quite,

Although flow to no obstruction, also master ding darting away;

Low west high east sand under water, namely violates the basic principle of geography, water is quite inappropriate to the east, even temporarily don't see any obvious disadvantages, time grew, family decline, poverty, all fled to the distance to make a living.

East west high low for jersey, master offspring out good,

Strong but still all riches and honour, offspring grandchildren beams;

Ze for: a land of heaven gracious, east west high low sand water family happy, has the grace of heaven, generations of children and grandchildren will good capable people.East west high low terrain without change, offspring children and grandchildren are pillars just more for our country.

Curtilage pond after the poor, and the main no heir abdominal rinse intestines

Curtilage the north has a pond warrants will be broken, the poor and have no child, what is meant by abdominal rinse intestines: ig (a white candy) as he, he as the abdomen, stomach disease, intestinal disease, diarrhea."Abdominal rinse intestines."

Current water five arrows, set the main tuberculosis has a plague

Curtilage the south third, c, and before noon, butyl five parties have water up and down arrow, a catastrophe in the home, living consumption, such as an incurable disease.

If break two, offspring fornication didn't claim

If xun, he sticks have the waters rushed home, their home posterity special fornication, no definite view.

But then flow to no hinder, curtilage pond gradually after injury

Flowing water from xun after to flow from the diagram, and the house nothing special bad effect, kangua water pond of fierce, fierce water information is increasing year by year, finally have serious adverse effects on the home of live.

Xun on water difficult for a long time, even if wealth is not for the auspicious;

Xun terms for her, the Lord reputation.There is water on xun family even riches and honour are not for a long time (usually have wealth is not money accident in tatsumi and xu-gou (hai).

Housing should be low in front and higher behind the east west high low.Otherwise if high lower east side to the west is not auspicious, also master to drain.After the house if there is a pond the poor, and most have gynecopathy, men generally have low back pain, if the water is directly to that less auspicious, there will be a disaster to happen.Two is he bearing, that is, if the water is strong he is not auspicious.Xun with water is not auspicious.

Hall after sewage pool for the jedi, the northeast two arrows the hardest, prevention (refers to the northeast and northwest sand)

But however riches and honour, no more load, fifteen years later the injured;

Curtilage the north have dirty pool, this is a land of JueZiJueSun.And since the turn of the ugliness, decyl nonyl, hai water arrows, since the turn of the most fierce, the unexpected disaster, difficult to guard against.Even the riches and honour, after a time cycle fifteen years after the disaster will come in the house.

After the high low for ji, before RenZi prosperous phase into the cattle and sheep,

Good luck in wealth warehouse lush, precious splendor prosperous;

Before there are hills river, winding through the Yangtze river,

Into the money to expand the cattle and sheep, children and grandchildren live long;

Lower from north to south, the north has the sand of tall, south have a flow of water, the main have wealth, blessed, children and grandchildren do, old man longevity.For the land.

Right in the middle of the low-lying high, four edges of water were scatteredkillKnife,

Though four ChengLongHu, twenty-four years main cast;

Quadrilateral low, middle and high, this is "" the head of steamed buns, water dispersed edges of murder, even now rich, fat, after 24 years will family broken, thinly far escaped.

Front with stone dust, a thief steal rimmon stirred ChouHuai,

Very difficult to control your breath has year after year, god that officer arrow hint at;

Do not pile of stones and bricks house south, or move the robber, a thief the door, there will be a major property losses.Lord for SIMS countered again, often is, breath, and lawsuits.

Quadrilateral high range in the middle of low, this place called hell pool,

Door languish for thick, Yin flourishes while Yang declines gradually lose;

Around the high, intermediate low, such as "pool" hell, master Yin flourishes while Yang declines, especially for males, doug will decline while poverty.

Former narrow after wide foot kua, doug xinglong fuhua,

Sons and prosperity in the officer, rural rich enough SangMa;

House after former narrow width for the type, the principal is thriving, prosperous children and grandchildren, prosperous wealth, has made a officer.

After the former wide narrow need not to say, is spent on principal to sell the field,

Children out to the other, because big mouth make fierce boxing;

Home after the former wide narrow is the type of big fierce, warrants, the inevitable decline, all escape.

Fenglei Gao Guangtian ze is low, with the valley that there was corn in business,

Go out horses and chariots, with the foot, children and grandchildren do the guanting handed down.

For xun, ray for earthquake, wind day for dry and jersey for the.Xun sand sand too dry, add water to match, the business is busy, possessions, travel car horse entourage, children and grandchildren of more than a few people.

Left and right is the most good, gen Long Ding wealth auspicious,

Eagle home and pedestrians instrument, offspring grandchildren purple clothes,

Pigs, sheep, cow flock together, after forty years gradually uplift;

East room to stretch forward wide, narrow it down to the west for the auspicious curtilage.Such as gen party's water more suitable, is bound to be and flourish.And the home of civilization, as orderly as en echelon, knowledgeable, 40 years after the step (2) after the universiade will be prosperous family, family reputation.

Meridian for main KuanHuai, year after year into lu guang fortune,

The magistrate was xi fang ji, I dress lu smile,

Total however riches and honour, the lands of children not to take off to offspring.

Son mountain noon water master mood cheerful, wealthy, butyl, money two flourishing, with, high status, rich have a blessed life.

Basaltic high to low rosefinch, front several order of nine,

East green dragon, west white tiger, live long and proper not loneliness.

Basaltic for north, rosefinch for south, namely lower from north to south.Nine of the order refers to the winding river, ditch water.Tsing lung to the east, the white tiger in the west, the east west high low, such a feng shui master live long and proper environment, with goods, from the suffering of the poor lonely.

On both sides of water at the middle, after the former high narrow recruit hard,

People from wealth scattered about recruiting officer, male for stolen female play dense;

Xun, he rushed to this house is not auspicious, if the room for the former wide after narrow, sand water for meteorological north is low, the place for big fierce, master ding, officer not constantly, males are thieves, female are bitch, whore.

Coming again, water around the isolated village to the wonderful real hard to guess,

The world not wonderful, mountain water prosperous wealth certificates;

Water around the isolated village refers to the disk turning to leave, many water for sentient beings.The household water main wealth, is recognized in fengshui theory here.

Hills is refers to the north is hilly, if live in the north of the house is not auspicious, if the edges are the center of the low-lying only tall, such a place known as the jedi, is can't use, the door if there is a rocky stacking, master the thief, is your breath, etc.Quadrilateral high range in the middle of low-lying also main inauspicious, trapped, narrow width, and after before the wide narrow after refers to the structure of their homes, in fact not so exaggerated, the degree of good or ill luck may be writing methods, the ancients' above illustrates a main problem, is the east west high low, low from north to south and southeast of the northwest high low, southwest high low these four kinds of structure in the northeast as ginnie, vice is fierce, the practice test the theory is right, is to rely on live.

The three mountain basalt spirited, flow eastward after court,

Road, blunt he way through, don't even do the beams;

Shake hexagrams in, kangua in, majestic, the water flows east to displacement, kun for road sand, the feng shui environment must be pillars just out of country.

Curtilage castle peak number after high, a pond in front of the waves;

Southeast of flood water roll, nine heavy current straight to class;

Curtilage kangua sand has a big show, after the south have a flow of water, there was a flood water, southeast of the feng shui environment out of senior staff person, has the right and holds no post.The old favourite more.

To live all water to mountain, around the waist gold out of the beautiful,

If the dragon is den, handed her the KuiYuan;

Here is about to search point, because is the tactic of oral, content is too concise.Water to curl, should not be scattered, mountain to pulse gas is linked together, ups and downs, coordination of Yin and Yang of the point can be found, send children here for generations, is handed down from the military draft good feng shui.

Every castle peak "not Chi, dry out candy hill live together,

BingDing curved towards the arch to the water, green robe gold belt DanChi worship;

Frame and b, three sand mountain tall show, and did not, he, layer upon layer, such as the steps of "three shan mountains, to get the originality of flowing water, kangua big mound, Lord live double drawn.Such as to get c, d beings water phase winding arch should be, will be the main grandchildren, a politician an official resignation the robe.

Unitary goldkorn bases on low, after noon and wide dirty pool,

Civil strife between men and women compete, room widow loneliness;

North west and low in the south of open ground, for the dirty pond, such family relationship between feng shui environment confusion, devoid of statecraft, and the main men's early death, left a widow endure lonely, miserable fate.

Set curtilage to place vast quad flat, camped,

Don't ask, mountain and water, doug xinglong Pepsi surplus;

Place broad flat, for the ground, can be arbitrarily set curtilage put down, no matter to mountain water, geely, doug is thriving and prosperous.

Camp after the river don't appropriate, children living on the go,

Yin people eyes to cripple, eat less without wearing the loneliness;

Camp for house, for house, refers to the house (party) with flow quite inappropriate ditch, ditch, river, the main children away to make a living by poverty or illegal to escape from the local, the woman's eyes are susceptible or different damage outside, his family decline, the elderly at home alone, eat less and less wear.

Prosperous household water prosperous wealth, this sentence is very reasonable, behind the backer of local talent, you have a look at our country the topography is lower from north to south, look at the population of our country, how to also can't help, then look at India, backed by the Tibetan plateau, is also a large population., did you see the very place where the United States, rich, but all counting on immigration to solve the problem of population, said the words while pulling some far, but it is the actual problem.

Golden YuGuan is really a classic works, as long as according to the terrain accordingly, will not be fulfilled.

Three mountain basalt spiritedFlow eastward toward the hall

This sentence mean, where there are mountain water has momentum, and the position of landscape must be reasonable, namely must conform to the golden YuGuan theory, high in our are generally west and lower in the east, water flow is to the east, but the west and low in place is fierce, so the gold lock YuGuan requirements must flow eastward after again after court, is must water flows to the west is auspicious.Road, blunt he way through beams and don't even do this sentence some inappropriate, in principle is don't like to rush either graveyard and residence, therefore, no matter which direction should not be road or water to flush, is actually a candy he xun dirty water to rush shoot, and dry the gen from bearing is not taboo.

Go to the water to live all the mountains, around the waist gold out of the hen

Other words out of the truth, this is the water must be "water" instead of "water", while the mountain "mountain", is the auspicious pattern, water if it is around the waist is a jade belt in the well pattern, but the direction can't make a mistake.That is the direction of the beishan south water don't make a mistake.

If it is den dragonThe KuiYuan passed on children

This sentence refers to the tombs of the selected point problem, specifically discuss again later, Chen bases of castle peak "not Chi dry out candy hill live together, still said is the east, southeast, southwest need to be tall.Never to the water, candy to hill.

BingDing curved towards the arch to the waterGreen robe like DanChi worship

BingDing need water to also can't blunt, but gentle "water".

Unitary goldkorn bases on low, after lunch side wide corrupt pool,

Civil strife between men and women competeThe room the widow by loneliness,

Place broad quad flatAt your house to Ann Ying.

This is the west and low in a few words said, the north back water damage.Such a feng shui will dead men, women's widowed at home, also represents a man in poor health in modern society, or men don't have articles of association, do not in front, doing nothing.

Vegetation is bright color and fine, the middle house ten thousand people boast,

Here called the dragon cave and camped set curtilage glory,

About Pepsi ruyi come fill, adjacent field to buy home,

Not letter dug three or four feet, light weight before the throat after xuan hua;

Here is a kind of special survey method is one of the feng shui, feng shui choice, in addition to the other depends on plants, sand water plants grow good, bright colour and lustre is gorgeous will be heaven and earth reiki, plants, if so, natural ataka made camp.If built curtilage between vibration and the selected good acupuncture point ground, underground has a very distinctive good soil, will be the main splendor, Pepsi, rich day.

Crushed, grave in a way the most children went to the distance,

Always save lives are poor, broken after 20 years of home;

Grave most inauspicious south road, the main children fled to the distance, even have left poverty must be abnormal, after 20 years will be broken.

Such as steamed bread around low, four long stream flowing water,

Jeremy goldkorn difficult to set up, on the building and pitched do not appropriate,

Eight, as the wind blows away people mistake when good fortunes is low;

Image as head of steamed buns as low around the middle uplift, leave the water all around into streams, this most inauspicious, built on the highland house advocate the wind blowing away, thinly extinction, to live in this house, I don't know, caused by feng shui is also wrong about their fate is bad, bad fortune.Liu teacher for this period of eight surface wind of feng shui, think eight palace with sand or with water is not a big fierce, but instead is the most fierce eight palace sand water.

Do not have the river behind residential, children and grandchildren will drift, choose homestead and the land is fertile, the more curtilage after the geely is tall, more auspicious, if have the pond in front,

Southeast of flood water rollNine heavy current straight in do class

This sentence goes also, southeast of the water where not auspicious.Grave in a way the most, and avoid road impact problem, the last is high all around the problem of low, middle term called "eight wind", we have been to Meng Lianggu, look at the original Zhang Lingfu chosen grave.Choose homestead this is taboo, belong to the category of the jedi, must pay attention to.Yin YangZhai similarly.

Water through the castle peak, the thin two fitting for a terrain of strategic importance,

Basaltic high number, such as peak in the middle of a grave base,

To have more clever child, shoda horses and cattle kujin,

Jump in here to turn either side, two decades the order;

High daqingshan surrounded by water, the terrain is very rare, xun terms, he has a lofty mountains phase winding, kangua has the peak of tall, choose this kind of terrain combined middle burial tomb, how smart offspring, rich officer, shot to fame after twenty years.

Strive for the most good, chicken sockets to dig three feet deep see tong,

Don't believe about keel before, after a wide scale hidden;

Set curtilage camped will riches and honour, birth of hang jinbang,

Do when the teacher miao xiao xuan, ZiQi, achieving the quartet;

Shake hexagrams has the sand of tall, against the hexagrams have regular water, the best terrain, terrain if narrow width after before, here will send clavus, ataka camp is bound to wealth and prosperity.Children chances, such a good point to the generally division can identify, it is hidden underground dragon vein of acupoints, the foreign land, Ming dragon if I cannot get, only the dragon vein of hidden underground available, Ming dragon prosperous, dark Long Wang, high officials give many celebrities life but without the longevity.Ming for the scenery, but sad.No wind, no waves, it dark dragon life wealth eloth, a good wife son filial piety, but it is more than Ming dragon force.Identify underground dark dragon must practice the disciple the method of smooth, just looked at the mystery of gas, can be seen to enrage, ZiQi as well, red gas.Black gas, mixed gas is not available, even if the surface of the sand water completely meets the requirements, is not.

Shun off the hill was buried a grave, teng snakes burial site main poverty,

Sell all land to land, and his sons' sons chi legs eyes faint;

Hill north and south, in the north of the hill was buried at the end of the grave for teng snakes, future generations of poverty, property destruction, far fled, also a lame, poor eyesight diseases in children.

Choose the tombs of the trick: right high left low, back north face south, north basalt is tall.But the east also tall, puzzle of some other ingredients.So if you choose to break up YuGuan theory, consequence is unmanageable.

Grave two faint head ditch, camp after soil a curved dome,

If things have sidewalks, children and grandchildren violence not gentleness,

This place called bull, Lord of disaster, year after year

Not letter carefully, dug up a pair of stones inside;

This section is to image, grave, there are two of the bend channel such as ox horn, after the grave mounds of curved like a bull, something more pedestrian way, here is a bull, the offspring grandchildren has such a character, more than a bad accident.External environment is bad to can affect children's character, right and wrong or some things happen, but must have a pair of stone seems unlikely.Quite by accident.

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