The newly married couple love mew feng shui 20 taboo

The newly married couple love mew feng shui 20 taboo

Young couple newlyweds, very sweet life envy other people, but to enjoy the romantic two world, don't ignore the household geomantic contraindication of layout.Upwind let you family wealth flourish, accidentally made taboo that was the devil...

Newly-married bridal chamber under article 20 feng shui considerations must look carefully:

1. The bridal chamber the air flow, in order to avoid new furniture and upholster wood (avoid ebony, black), the smell of paint smoked human respiratory system, impact, healthy mind.

2. The bridal chamber, curtain walls and furniture as far as possible don't use pink, it can make the person brain weakness, fear, anxiety, angry, and fight the inevitable often happen.

3. The bridal chamber for the location of the best in full sun azimuth, such as the light was too dim, easily annoyed mood depression between the two men.

4. Bridal chamber floor color not too dark or bright red, red, pink, the color more easy to make the person grumpy, spat.Bridal chamber carpet, bed sheets, curtains if are red, theGave birth to a girlMore opportunities.

5. Bridal chamber color if it is too dark, such as dark blue, dark green, dark red, dark gray, easy to make a couple not bright and clear.

6. The bed of bridal chamber is towards the door of the bathroom, otherwise the wedding superstore feel uneasy, his heart will often cramps, and an evil gas difficult to elimination of the lower abdomen.

7. Bridal chamber above the head of a bed, had better not hanging wedding photos, or pressure is overweight, can make when couples living nightmare dreams happen (divorced).

8. On both sides of the head of a bed of bridal chamber, should not be GuiJiao or cabinet, desk, dresser, otherwise easy to migraine.

9. Bridal chamber the ceiling colour is red or blue (lighter).

10. Bridal chamber ceiling not about ten colors, or have a grotesque upholster, watch the gossip, tight dragnet, or cluster.

11. Bridal chamber of the foot of the bed, not to tellThe toiletThe door, otherwise the feet will be sore.

12. Bridal chamber bed is the TV are blunt, beware of cranial nerve.

13. Bridal chamber of the bedside table, do not put the sound, lest cause nerve weakness or your breath.

14. Bridal chamber bed and left and right sides, had better not according to the big mirror, otherwise your breath.

15. In the bridal chamber wall charts decorate to simple, elegant, artistic pictures, wall charts to reduce as much as possible.

16. Bridal chamber do not flush door on both sides of the head of a bed, otherwise easy to make people nervous mood, have a headache not more.

17. Tsing lung of bridal chamber bed side close to the wall or near the wall is the best, than a male (dragon for you).

18. The bridal chamber pressure beam under beds, if the ceiling have upholster is just as well.

19. Bridal chamber bed without at the edge of the window, sunshine is too strong, otherwise the husband and wife.

20. Bridal chamber on both sides of the head of a bed, and not to the door of the bathroom, Clinton or body.

Good luck to tip

Every holidayTo get marriedThe high tide.Many newcomers have been busy with the wedding and the task of decorating their own homes, but it is easy to ignore his feng shui "honey nest", be careful if you reminded the couple.

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