Mothers-to-be household is decorated three big secret

Mothers-to-be household is decorated three big secret

A womanOnce the upgrade becomeA pregnant woman, suddenly found himself to be attention and learning is so many things, not only to eat, wear, use many exquisite, even every move seems to have the specification, and will learn nutrition, medical knowledge and psychology, etc.In fact, in addition to food and clothing line, also is the main factor that can't be ignored.And all this, of course, is to let a little life health, smooth belly was born.

Room aura will have great influence to pregnant women and fetus, therefore, pregnant women home layout is focused on the gas, and the sun be the spirit and flourish gas is preferred.Pregnant women in the room must be kept in the air circulation, open a window for air, don't cry because it is hot, summer weather for a long time to stay in a closed air conditioning room.In addition, unfavorable also dark room, want to have enough sunshine or maintain a moderate amount of light, let the sun be the spirit be able to gather, expulsion of Yin qi.

Placed in the southwest of aquatic plants or water plant decoration, can strengthen the aura, is advantageous to the baby at birth;Multi-purpose green in the east, such as green carpet, green decoration, etc., push the gas of the popular festival, can let the fetus is more healthy and smart.

For pregnant women and fetus, eliminate unfavorable factors and to maintain the stability of the aura is one of the most important.In the women'spregnancyDuring the home had better not to decorate, digging, the kitchen stove, and don't easily change or mobile bed room.Generally speaking, if in a certain environment can conceive, won't have too big problem, don't change easily, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles.

Women during pregnancy should not be moved, because the inoculation in fetal accustomed to in a certain environment and growth, if moved to the new environment, new home all of the magnetic field, acoustic field is different with the original, once the baby can't habit, might impede development, and even dangerous.

Pregnant women to rest and sleep in bed is also must pay attention to a key, in general, to keep the bed clean and tidy.If the bed there is a certain space, attention can put clean clothes and bedding, cannot place worn clothing, groceries, or other strange things, especially the metal edge tool, toolbox and toys.If the original bed sundry, need to move the bed moved, it is best to pick an auspicious day, and in the pregnant women go out to move off the bed and sundry, lest cause adverse effects on the fetus.

Many people like to put in the home the mascot as a decoration, or for the use of hasten lucky avoids disaster, the mascot is not to put, put the wrong things have misplaced or it could make matters worse, especially in the home has pregnant, be more careful when using the mascot or decorations.

In addition, the mythical wild animal, the lion,The tiger, elephants and other mascot, DLC, fengling ornaments will cause adverse effect to the fetus, are not suitable for in their house.Pregnant women in the home of flowers and plants also shoulds not be too much, otherwise the Yin qi too heavy not conducive to healthy pregnant women, and aquarium nor the place.

Good luck to tip

For expectant mothers, suitable for decorations mainly simple bright, cheerful pictures, photographs, give priority to, such as the beauty of the landscape painting, figure, the baby smile photos, metope and soft adornment design also had better want to happy happy.

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