Home health attention away from feng shui killer

Home health attention away from feng shui killer

Ancient Chinese medical books mentioned in the star ferry man said: human disease has 3: one is the weather are: second itself be caused by: the third department should sign this house.Is the health effects of feng shui is very large.

1. Sleep in the bed of the chandelier

If droplight is just above the bed, at the right moment to his abdomen, that is ShaQi heavier, if the roof of the bed upper part is equipped with droplight, do give a person with mental hints, increase the psychological pressure, affect the endocrine, and cause insomnia, nightmare, respiratory diseases and a series of health problems.

2. The bathroom door of the bedroom is on the bed

The pattern is easy to cause lumbar kidney discomfort, the bathroom is on the bed most of the residents really have back pain symptoms.This is because the bathroom again good, also can't change the nature of the sewage, leading to the bedroom to poor air quality, produce more moisture after bath.If the bathroom door is on the bed, bed is not only easy to get wet, also easy to affect the air quality of the bedroom, after a long time can cause back pain, more will increase the burden of detoxification of tight dirty.

3. Electrical get too close to the body

Geomantic on electrical appliances for the fire, and with a certain amount of radiation, if in his resting place was full of electrical appliances, will have a negative effect on health.

4. The kitchen door

This pattern will make the hostess beneath a fool and his money are soon parted, and home health luck capricious.If you encounter such a situation, avoid method is to use curtain or screen door or the door.

5. The kitchen doorThe toiletDoor or bedroom door

Such pattern not easy cause couples, especially cooking range as the source of a size mouth, must can absorb the gas, the toilet is not clean, on behalf of the fire, and the kitchen toilet represent water, fire and water are incompatible, can lead to serious.

Share a gate 6. The kitchen and toilet

This is very common in the small family, such as advanced kitchen door and into the bathroom door, or the advanced bathroom door into the kitchen door again, this is a great influence on health.

7. Have a corner or Angle to the head of a bed

Such a pattern will have feng shui ShaQi straight at the head of bed, it is easy to have a headache or respiratory problems, if sleep feel evil wind blow to the head, problem is more serious.

8. The kitchen stove fire is not put in order

Balcony aisle cannot is on fire: promenade pressure fire, no moss, such symptoms are predisposed to high blood pressure;Nor is the pool fire or freezers, so it is easy to cause the family bad body.

9. The bedroom is too large

Too big bedroom is not keeping in good health, if a man in that house, there will be a damage to health, can let own resistance to decline.

10. Working time is too long

Although the look is not an issue in feng shui, but it is detrimental to health, some people often because of the bad feng shui layout, do business always easy runs smooth, to pay a lot more time than others.

11. There is day outside the house to cut down, and so on

"Day to cut down" refers to the narrow space between two buildings, as if from the air with a knife to cut in half, therefore is called "day to cut down".How to deal with?If building facing the "day to cut down", is likely to have mass annihilation, space narrow and long more fierce, distance more close more risk!So we should not choose to face day to cut down houses to live, but if there are behind the other buildings fill the gap there would be no problem.

12. The aisles stuff too much in the home

The pattern of such hurt liver, easy to move within, often walk home PengPengZhuangZhuang will let the mind, and will hurt liver.

13. Dolls too much in the home

Some people like to in the room plastered with posters, buy several plush dolls, or have a big collection of ornaments.These things are to the body over time will produce negative influence, everything must regularly, beauty is not.

14. Neighborhood too much lampblack, etc

Outside the window of the bedroom more smoke emission of cooking fume from or place, this kind of houses, and should not be chosen for the housing for shelter.Feng shui aside, from environmental health, chimney populated areas uninhabitable, because smoke from the chimney fire crumbs, is enough to damage your health.

15. The bathroom in the right position

Toilet is not house is located in the middle of tai chi, and the northwest of the originality, unfavorable toilet door is opposite gate, the bedroom door, kitchen door, otherwise unable to keep the air fresh.Resolving methods: health is important to people beyond suspicious, dissolve the adverse health in general feng shui feng shui is give priority to in order to block.

Good luck to tip

We often say that the weather changes, it is easy to cause each kind of disease, will be affected by any carelessness small ailments.And some bad feng shui will let your health is impaired, especially it is important to pay special attention to the home of feng shui, because this is also a direct influence on our health.

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